Sunday, December 1, 2013


Yoga practice begins with setting an intention. A seed is planted into the heat of palms, nourished by heartbeat and breath. It’s my spiritual anchor to the practice, something I can cultivate, dedicate, sweat and stretch toward. I feel purposeless without that moment of intention setting. I crave the pause that allows me to reflect on why I’m on the mat and what I soul-fully need from the practice. Or who or what is on my mind, aching in my heart, and then, dedicating my practice to a person, a country, a movement that is bigger than my little downdogging self. 

Similar to a yoga practice, I start here with an intention. I’m pausing to ask, why I am in blogland and what to make out of this little home in cyberspace?

Well, my inner muse appears to gleefully answer that she’s quite delighted at the opportunity to play with words. Her mantra is write, rewrite, and write. There are stories to tell, moments to capture, ideas needing to manifest onto a page, she reminds me. So, she’s here and is satisfied (not fully, but somewhat close) with the creation of this blog.

Ego is definitely present, but in my defense, I am after all a millennial, part of the Facebook and selfie photo generation. I intend to soothe my purring ego by focusing the blog on sharing about the happenings taking place in my Kentucky hometown and spotlighting passionate, creative Lexingtonians who are transforming my community.

 I also intend to use this blog as a platform to speak about issues close to my heart, as a way to raise awareness or simply to retell a story that needs to be heard. I intend the yoga entries to be open to yogis and non-yogis, too. They’re just simple reflections on living yoga off the mat, which may translate to breathing mindfully while standing in line at Starbucks.

There’s a secret hope that is the last to answer the initial question: for this blog to uplift and bring ease to at least one blog reader. Just one would be perfectly sufficient. Looking back on past blogs I have read, I can easily bring to mind several that seemed to find me at the right time and their words spoke directly to me, the part of myself that needed affirmation and recognition, providing a new perspective, fresh reassurance. From that frame of mind, I intend to surrender and let these words find whoever needs them. 

These intentions I plant onto this blank post page. A pause, a heartbeart, a breath, and gratitude to you, Reader.

Peace. Namaste.