Friday, December 23, 2016

Winter Solstice: Reflections on 2016


For centuries, the Winter Solstice has shined as a sacred time to gather with community, celebrate the warmth of family and friends, cultivate gratitude for this year’s harvest, and honor the steady return of increasing sunlight to the dark, awaiting earth. The longest night of the year also serves as an invitation to turn inward, to reflect, to lovingly trace the narratives and journeys from this past year so we can proceed into next year, the new year, with clarity and deepening understanding.

So musing with this theme, on the eve of the Winter Solstice, I decide to brave a reflection on 2016. This year – and I’ve heard the similar sentiment from friends and acquaintances – has been riddled with rough and raw challenge. I speculate that the stars and planets mused and divined a plan to align in such a way to unleash a fury of hard core, and perhaps necessary, tough lessons.

The choice, because it’s always a choice, is how we respond and rise to greet, or ignore, or flee with lightening speed away from these life trials. In the past year, I’ve vacillated between all three of these options.

2016 rumbled, roared and knocked me to the bottom of my being. The “dark night of the soul” gloomed over the expanse of the year, ushering in heartbreaks, betrayals, disillusionment, emotional exhaustion and spiritual breakdowns. Depression plummeted me into tiring despair, which I could only mindfully navigate by collapsing into self-constructed solitude. I self-protected my wound by disappearing – swiftly and suddenly – and closing my heart, and in doing so sickeningly realized that it’s entirely possible to pull a veil over a heart center beating and humming for connection and desiring to express love.

In those days, which in truth were months, the bravest thing I could do was walk out of my house and complete the work. I centered all my energy on the work – the work of establishing a foundation for a program, acting as a vessel for the message of the program, and recycling my emotions into energy and clarity so I could teach yoga from an authentically aching heart.

I showed up for others, delicate and firmly concentrated in being present for them and holding their stories. I sobbed in overwhelming fits of complete helplessness. I pushed through days where I felt like I was living underwater, cut off from fresh air. And I survived.

“The light is back in your eyes,” a loved one tells me, and I take comfort in her loving gaze.

The trials, which I perceived to be threatening to extinguish my inner light, brought me closer to reverently recognizing and valuing the brightness, the blaze of my inner flame.

The light of my being anchored me so I could explore the shadows of heartbreak, jealousy and betrayal, illuminating the contrasting play of lightness and darkness constantly creating our humanistic wholeness. I learn the necessary practice and daily implementation of discernment – to trust the intuited messages and signs about a person so I can perceive the full package of a person and proceed mindfully.

In the swallow of darkness, I relinquish control, and surrender to the all-knowing intelligence existing within me. I abandoned my intuitive powers to please the culture of practicality and adopted a strive and achieve mentality to extract external approval and validation. In the trying, my creative spirit, my wild feminine self lets out a strangled cry. I feel half-alive, not fully embodied, and when the grief arrives, I find relief on the shore of my creativity and deep healing in the invisible arms of the inner feminine. I release the rational adult and return to the mysticism, rich imagination and intuitive prowess naturally governing the realm of the inner child. Here, I revive and refine my powers as an empath, an intuitive, a healer, a creatress.

This turbulent period, where I lost faith and questioned if I should ever trust, pulls me back to reconcile my alienated inner child – wise and connected – and in the befriending, I come home, finding soulful solace and a treasure trove of intrinsic gifts meant to be utilized as trustworthy guides. My trust in others may have been compromised, and perhaps in time that will heal or an additional layer of self-understanding shall be revealed, but the trust I have in myself, in my resiliency and fiery ability to rise, strengthens my blaze and emboldens me to live authentically, and compassionately.

Staying close to my own inner flame of truth and insight allows for me to practice discernment and compassion for others with whom I interact on this soul-journey. Working weekend shifts at a domestic violence shelter, hearing survivors of interpersonal violence tell their stories, seeing firsthand child abuse and neglect, personally experiencing the effects and aftermath of emotional abuse confirm this truth: wounded people wound people. A harsh, unforgiving light reveals the cost of cruelty on a human’s life, and compassion lets me extend connection while retaining presence and boundaries.

I now understand how people fall into abusive relationships. All the signs were there, and my intuition whispered to flee, but I ignored the signs to pursue the attraction, curious to explore a chemistry that should have been left alone, a heat never intended to warm, but consume and burn  – a moth to the flame.

The healing focuses on self-forgiveness and freeing myself from his physiological hold. In an attempt to explain him to others, the calculated psychological warfare, the exploitation of my feelings manipulated through masterful approach and avoid techniques, the fake futuring employed as gas-lighting intended to leave me in a haze of self-doubt, I notice a distancing occurring between the listener and me. So, I stop and change the topic, and silently give thanks that they don’t know what I’m referring to because they’ve haven’t walked through it, and I hope they never will. The ones who have walked through the same flame are the ones who stay engaged and cocoon me in understanding and grace. And these luminous souls are my moon tribe, the light glowing in the darkness, reconfirming our innate need for community, circles of loved ones, for tribe.

2016 leaves me intimate with darkness and reunited with my inner light. As the year prepares to give its final bow, I take note of the passing play and acknowledge that the trials, challenges, sorrows, pains have brought me back to my fullest, realest self: my creativity, my revered femininity, my compassion and my courage to love continue to beam bright. This is the light I vow to nurture, celebrate, protect, and shine in 2017. My hope for you, loves, as you reflect and redirect to the New Year, is that you choose to blaze brilliantly.

Thursday, December 22, 2016


A photo I treasure taken by one of my all-time favorite extroverted explorers.  


In aloneness, I cocoon. In stillness, I surrender to a deepening peace found beneath the rush of busyness. In quiet, I actively listen to the layers of narratives weaving my tapestry of being. Introspection satisfies an innate need to seek meaning, discover purpose and illuminate understanding in my never-ending identity quest. In tracing the past interactions of the day, I piece together insights and intuit answers. I dive in the depths of feeling, of genuine love and concern I possess so fully and completely for the ones I cradle in my heart. I recognize my impulsive tendency to give energy to the extent that I burn the electric fuse wiring my sensitive self. I retreat to replenish.

Introvert, I proudly proclaim.  

I knowingly pepper "introvert" into conversations with coworkers, friends, and acquaintances to subtly signal the significant role it plays in my natural design. My purposeful revealing of my temperamental truth foreshadows the "no" I will -- at some point in our intertwined time -- deliver as a response to an outing, excursion, additional work meeting. My "no" then, I hope does not surprise you. My "no" is not aimed as a personal rejection of you; rather it's a showing of true affection, a love language easily misunderstood. If I don't feel energetically full, I will not strain myself to go out -- I'll be scattered, irritable, overwhelmed, and quick to take defense.

For years, I struggled against the current pulling me to turn inward to reside in the haven of stillness and time liberated from pressures and to-dos. Relinquishing the fight, I trust in my own rhythms of openness, giving, and sheltering, nurturing. In this refining of rhythm, I consciously create and thrive in circles of respectful, rejuvenating connections, where my introversion is seen, not as a flaw, but the cherished character trait that makes me the person you want to beautifully keep. When I choose to share quality time with my loved ones, I intentionally show up well-nourished and self-assured, ready to meet you as you are, love you as you are, be with you as you are, because I've taken the necessary time to reflect and answer my needs, and properly restore.

Learning the language of our loved ones, honoring their unique infrastructure, brightly broadens our perspective to clearly see the infinite ways our loved ones express affection, sweet care and a love eager to embrace. Expanding our hearts to unquestioningly receive, we may stumble upon our blockages limiting our view of self-care, self-love. We may confront and usher into awareness the subconscious self-sabotages we employ to dim our inherent worthiness.

Optimal repair exists in a remedy only we can create. Extroversion, introversion, a playful concoction of the two, all circle back to the question of energy: how do you revive energized embodiment? The answer appears in the moments you feel most alive, and you feel entirely embodied in your spectacular self.

Where is there ease? What number of people - or is it absolute solitude - that inspires the smoothest, steadiest breath?

Your radiant self nurtured into robust, resplendent fullness stimulates a system built to thrive, and your thriving propels your loved ones into the same self-exploration, which shifts the collective to connect, rest and respond from a crucial place of enlightened realization.

And it may all begin with a no.  Thank you for the invite, but I can't tonight. I'm called to sublime stillness, to read, to watch a favorite movie, or reconnect with a friend who speaks my heart language. A no redirecting you to a yes. A yes to fulfilling, celebrating, nurturing the fantastical you. Affirming a constant, compassionate study to stay close to ourselves as we continually evolve, to readily greet our needs with intelligence and gentleness. We all shift, like waves, never to be rigidly defined, and here our existence -- as an extrovert or an introvert -- is exquisitely complex, and all the more deliciously intriguing in the experiencing and experimenting with the exacting elements that electrify our glorious, gorgeous being.

An introvert, I claim myself to be. My introversion teaches me the value of stillness and listening, and here, the voice within can whisper go play and hug tight your tribe. Or the voice may grant me permission to lean back into the rippling enoughness of non-doing. Either way, loves, I wish for you to be as you need to be -- liberated, wild, and dazzlingly free.