Tuesday, March 17, 2015

On The Eve Of A Journey : A Traveler's Love Story

Meandering around the Castle Hill Graffiti Garden in Austin, Texas. Moment captured by city and desert explorer, Ann Sydney Taylor.  

The traveler in me is restless for the road, thirsty for new sights and aching to meet the part of myself I think I’ll find in that wide and open desert space.

I like the person I am when I travel. She’s a fine balance of extrovert and introvert. The lone wanderer in the crowd. I’m ready to be her again. I’m openhearted to get swept up in the arms of adventure. I want to stumble back into love again, with myself, with travel.

I fall in love so easily with places, especially cities. Cities unlock the key to my heart. All it takes is a charming wink – an eclectic bookshop pleasantly situated on the corner, a discarded lot turned into an urban playground of graffiti art, this one tucked away cafĂ© with a winding staircase – and I swoon.

Sometimes it is love at first sight. I step off the plane and into a place I instantly recognize as my soul mate home.  Other times, it’s a surprise encounter; a second glance sparks my heart and a piece of the city becomes mine forever.

I carefully preserve these heartbeat memories like old love letters. I return to them to seek comfort and validation. At times when I feel discouraged and insecure, I go back to this treasure trove of moments where I independently traveled and explored, serendipitously discovered hidden gems that directly spoke to my soul. It’s a collage of art experienced, purposeful conversations shared, and this feeling of belonging, lightheartedness, liberation and being utterly and blissfully nourished by the dancing diversity of life.

I remember the feeling. I can go back to the feeling and slip it on like an old boyfriend’s jacket. I clothe myself in the memory and let it empower my present self. 

I fell in love with a city long before I gave my heart to a man. I travel to heal over men, to let the fresh experience burn out lingering fragments from the relationship. I let the journey redefine my freed identity. At this time of solo flight, I find myself journeying back to my first love, back to the glittering image of a city, where a love story waits to enchant, inspire and take hold. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Fashionista Spotlight : Sweet & Chic Ally

Hey, Hey, Friends! Fashionable Monday continues with the artistic and incredibly kind, Ally Armato. Ally’s creative ensembles express her genuine sweet nature and an innate gift for style. I rely on her fashion advice when choosing outfits for events and trips and am truly delighted to spotlight this fashion forward darling.


*What three words define your personal style?


*Who (or what?!) is your fashion inspiration?

I have many fashion inspirations. If I had to pick just one, I would have to say Lucille Ball. I love her fun and flattering clothing. She was always so elegant but fun (especially the hair!)

*What’s your go-to fashion accessory, or outfit?

My favorite go-to accessory would be belts. They add style and interest to almost anything and flatter your body by synching in your waist (always good!) My favorite outfit would be a sundress paired with cute wedges and a sunhat. Perfect for a day at the beach.

*What’s your favorite local boutique or store? Why?

I have been really into Altr’d State lately. I like their bohemian/vintage style. I think it is definitely my style.

*If you could travel back in time, which era would you pick for its fashion? Why?

I would be interested to go back in time to the 1940’s. This era was so beautiful. Women like Joan Crawford and Doris Day were who people really looked up to for their tailored and elegant looks. These women were pretty much superpowers because of their clothing! Also, this is when Christian Dior revolutionized clothing for women. It would have been amazing to experience that.

*Flashback: What’s your most loved accessory or outfit from childhood/adolescence and why?

Well, definitely my pink Cinderella dress (complete with a tutu). I wore that dress everywhere. If I had to pick a backup, my Esmerelda dress complete with coin tassels! These dresses made me feel like I could do anything I want, and for a 6-year-old girl, that feeling can go to your head! I was the most comfortable in these and felt connected to them.

*Please share a fashion tip or style advice! 

Always have fun with your clothing. Don’t take yourself too seriously because fashion is all about having fun and expressing who you are. Don’t follow trends too much and really develop your own unique style. Most important let yourself shine as much as you can!


Mothwing Photography spellbinds once again with this winter and spring blended fashion shoot. 

Wearing a tan dress with faux fur and lace by Altar'd State. 

A favorite pair of brown boots. 

Paired my dress with a long black jacket with flower embroidery.


Friday, March 13, 2015

Grateful for Raindrops

I woke expecting sun, eager to embrace an early arrival of Spring, only to find an overcast sky and determined rainfall. I try to not let the weather sway my mood, but I tend to become easily irritable on rainy days. This rainy morning I feel a bit ungrounded, flooded with thoughts about ideas for yoga classes, outfits to pack for an upcoming trip, and to-dos before I depart for Texas.

The thought loop catches me and then a mindful cycle of breath liberates me. I’m moving too slow today and the inner critic quips snide remarks. I stumble for an affirmation to lessen the blow of the internal critique : no expectations; go gently. 

The interludes of purposeful breath and affirmations help me arrive (finally, the critic sighs) at the back corner in a less frequented coffee shop. I crave uninterrupted writing time and let irritations flow out into a journal, clearing my cloudy mind and illuminating a peaceful presence. I’m grateful for this moment of writing time and this heartfelt appreciation rekindles my gratitude practice.

For the past few weeks, I’ve deepened my gratitude practice by committing to taking the time in the evening and in the morning to list people, moments, even things (toothpaste and dental floss always makes an appearance) that I am grateful for. I practice gratitude in moments of stress, where I’ve wandered from the present moment and am fretting about the future, or regretting the past, and the gratitude practice refocuses my attention to the treasures of the present: the whisper of Spring in the air, my loyal and sweet chocolate lab, my sparkly nail polish, the kind text from a friend, and the list could continue.  

The rain continues as well. So, I soften my resistance to it as I muse on a list of my rainy day thank yous.

Feel inspired to write your own, or simply take a moment to notice the present and give thanks. It’s a way of creating sunshine even on rainy, overcast days.

*A thank you to the kindhearted barista who gifted me a free cup of coffee.

*Grateful for rain ready shoe wear: I sport my adored “duck boots” so I can dash through puddles with style.

*Adoring the opportunity to wear a new comfy, long cream sweater paired with black shirt and favorite dark wash jeans.

*A shout-out to the radio host who played the perfect series of car dancing beats.

*Grateful for my kid sister who appreciates my quirkiness, supports my dreams and shares my adoration for pinterest.

*Many thanks to the photographer friend who braved the rain to snap photos for a yoga logo.

*And so much love for a best friend who stood in the rain in a tree pose for that yoga logo photo.

*A pause to deeply appreciate the easy access I have to clean, fresh water at all times of the day. Hydration and health available at the turn of a faucet.

*Thankful for my car, Hugh the Honda, for the freedom to go wherever I please in sunshine or rain.

*Happy to receive a high fivin' paw from my favorite coffee shop dog (you know I woof you, Niles).

*Pausing to reflect and feel gratitude for knowing a charismatic, courageous and wise woman. She taught me how to age gracefully and to live vibrantly and fearlessly. Empowered by cherished memories of her. 

*Thanks to the rain, for replenishing the soon-to-be blossoming Spring, for the invitation to turn inward and explore the treasures of the present. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Fashionista Spotlight : Kate The Great

Hello, Friends! I feel a whisper of Spring in the air and am inspired to get back into the fashionista spotlighting routine. Positively thrilled to begin this Spring fashion season by spotlighting my dear friend, Kate McNamara. Her daily fashion exudes confidence with a dash of lightheartedness and her accessories weave tales of her adventures and travels. Be inspired by her fashion spunk and wit as she shares her own style story and tips! 


*What three words define your personal style?

*Who (or what?!) is your fashion inspiration?

Kate Hepburn, hands down. In this case it’s kind of a “Chicken or the Egg” situation; Do I like her fashion because I respect her strong, spunky, daring personality? Or does her fashion inspire me to be spunky and unique? Kate Hepburn never apologized for her choices nor did she trade her integrity for the charms of fame. She adopted challenging character roles and challenged women’s fashion. She took herself seriously - which I think is an important point for women and girls today: Take yourself seriously in all your life endeavors, you owe it to yourself.

I also like steal ideas from global muses: chic European flare and bright South American colors; places that I have traveled often influence what I wear. Embodying those fashions lets me keep those memories alive, I love to reminisce about where I’ve been and reflect on where I am going next.  But who am I kidding? Sometimes my outfits are just about how I feel that day.  

*What’s your go-to fashion accessory, or outfit?

This is a tough one: I love scarves. I use them with as many of my summer outfits as my winter outfits. They act as that extra splash of color, that unique pattern twist or the thread that ties all the components of the outfit together. It adds a little flare and can make an outfit either casual or fancy. It’s such a versatile piece, and can be McGyvered to save fashion disasters.

Have a sweater that shows a little too much cleavage? Throw on a scarf. Forgot your umbrella and caught in a sudden drizzle? Need to keep your ears warm on a cold day? Use your scarf as a retro cover for your hairdo.

Case and point: I used to work as a high school as a Spanish teacher, while also attending the University of Kentucky to complete requirements to apply for physical therapy school. One of those required classes mandated pants and closed toed shoes for the lab portion; violating dress code for this class could result in a lower grade.

That day I was running late from my job at the high school and realized I forgot my lab clothes for class. I was wearing a dress, blazer and corresponding scarf, but did not have the required pants for my class. I ran into the bathroom McGyvered the following outfit to cover my legs and meet the dress code requirement: I pulled my stretchy, cotton dress down to just below my bra line, with that adjustment by dress extended far enough to reach my boots and cover my legs. I then donned the blazer to cover everything else and then the scarf to hide any additional bare skin on my chest. The outfit was a success! No one knew about my fashion disaster and many actually complimented me on my outfit.

Other fashion favorites? Leather jackets, re-purposed jewelry borrowed from my mother and grandmother. I’ve also been known to wear skinny suspenders on occasion.

*What’s your favorite local boutique or store? Why?

As poor post-grad student, I have to distinguish between favorite boutique for those must-have splurges and favorite boutiques for the everyday. For the must-have splurges I love the shops between Maxwell and High Street: Calypso, Bluetique and Black Market. For the everyday, I shop for deals on Forever21, Macys and Old Navy.

I’m hoping in the future I can shop at places such as Altar’d State and Anthropologie for those unique pieces, but for now I re-use and re-purpose pieces for new outfits rather than buy new clothes. For the everyday? Forever 21, Target and Old Navy are great places for good deals. Also, never under estimate your mother’s closet; I have picked out several cute tops, dresses and blazers which have traveled to Cuba and back as well as to the local pubs here in Lexington.

*If you could travel back in time, which era would you pick for its fashion? Why?

That’s another difficult question - there are fashion trends from each era that I enjoy and have tried to incorporate at one time or another. If I had to pick one era, I would have to say the roaring 20s; an era marked by female fashion rebellion with shorter hair and shorter skirts. I also love the art deco architectural themes incorporated into various styles.

*Flashback: What’s your most loved accessory or outfit from childhood/adolescence and why?

The first thing that comes to mind are a pair of hot pink, high-top Chuck Taylors. I loved those with a pair of overalls when I was about 8 or 9 years old. I still own a pair of fire-engine red high-tops which I sport on occasion.

*Please share a fashion tip or style advice!

1)  Take yourself seriously: this is not only a good rule for fashion, but also for life in general.
2)  Don’t be afraid to try something new. Some of my most favorite outfits or accessories are the ones that I jived with rather than what I found in the fashion magazines.


Many thanks to Mothwing Photography for the fashion photo shoot. Swoon and awe over more photos at http://www.mothwingphoto.com .

A peplum, beige blazer from Forever 21 and a star-spangled discount buy from Ralph Lauren. Add a red or crimson scarf to make the outfit more patriotic.

The scarf is actually a world map! It's one of my favorites and highlights my love for travel. 

For that extra, sunny splash I'm wearing my favorite yellow trench coat! Perfect in rain and snow- or any dreary day! I'm also wearing leather Steve Madden boots with wedge heel (well worn, there are holes in the toes!), and high waisted, dark, skinny jeans.

The turquoise earrings are from a street art vendor in Mindo, Ecuador.