Friday, October 31, 2014


Flashback: I’m in my college lit class, steaming with self-righteousness, as we discuss Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon .

The protagonist, Milkman is a classic commitment-phobe. He runs from relationships and responsibility and nonchalantly glides through the motions of life. As the story progresses, Milkman begins to make commitments – to a family quest, to a lady and takes responsibility – and ironically, as he decides to commit to life, instead of becoming caged and stuck, he is set free from his past and able to grow into a confident and full human being.

The discussion struck a raw heart chord.

Talk about commitment sparks thoughts about men like Milkman – the dancing through life men folk who dazzle and flee – and at that time, I was fuming over my own commitment-phobe heartbreaker. I even considered sending him my lecture notes.  Life Advice For You, I gleefully imagined the email subject line would read.

My frustration with commitment-phobes has provoked many eye-rolling rants. I never (like never ever) thought I was at all similar to the world’s crew of Milkmans. I’ve always prided myself on my emotional openness and ability to commit.

Well, I’m learning to beware of what I rant against because I tend to project my own issues onto others. Thank you, Universe, for that lesson. Instead of thinking of my then-ex during that English class lecture, I should have been taking notes for myself.

This recent autumn bout of restlessness dissolved when I made this epiphany: I’m struggling with committing to Life. I’ve been weighing my options, researching and researching, and hesitating to the point of paralysis. Keeping my options open has left me feeling anxious and unclear. I’m not taking action in the fear that I may make the wrong decision and take the wrong course of action.

My yogi-self knows that commitment issues are signs of an unbalanced third chakra. Taking action, showing up in the world and making a commitment are aspects of Self ruled by the third chakra, the energy center dwelling in the space above the navel. This is our power center, home to our ambitions, self-image and confidence. Represented by an inner sun, it represents the vibrancy of our personality and our inner majesty. 

I struggle with my third chakra. I struggle making and adhering to personal boundaries. I feel self-conscious about my looks. Recently, instead of taking intentional action, I’ve been prone to inaction.

Thankfully, I’ve got family members and friends with kick-ass (and that would be the mantra of the third chakra) power centers. My younger sister immediately comes to mind. She knows her needs, knows her boundaries and speaks up for herself and for others.

My childhood best friend is a force to be reckoned with, too. She knows her dreams and actively manifests them into reality. A recent example: she was looking up trips to the Bahamas, happened to fill out a “win a giveaway trip” form at a sushi restaurant while in Alabama and won a legitimate free vacation for her and her boyfriend to a resort there. Now, I need to channel some of that visioning power.

My third chakra has been off balanced. I can partially blame Mercury in Retrograde and the Vata winds of October, but the third chakra demands us to be responsible and to take responsibility for our actions.

So, I’m taking responsibility and taking action. I’m getting clear on goals and taking steps: booked a plane ticket to New York City to see a best friend and do some grad school visiting and started studying for the GRE. I’m not taking action to just take action. I’m taking the necessary pause to breathe deeply and listen and if I hear a “yes”, I go for it. 

Returning to that undergraduate English class, I hear my professor say, “Commitment liberates.” And like Milkman (and maybe those commitment-phobe exes have learned this, too) I’ve found this to be very true.

Tips For Powering Up Your Third Chakra:

*Watch an action movie.

*Go to the gym. Sweat and sparkle. Or take a walk. Get moving.

*Look Good. Dress Up. Impress Yourself.

*Practice a fun, vinyasa flow. Focus on yoga poses that strengthen your core, home of the third chakra, like boat pose.

*Take time to be quiet. Contemplate an issue or something you’re struggling with making a decision on and see what your gut tells you. What option feels light and right? Trust yourself and go for it.

Get Pumpin’ Playlist :

*Play It Right – Slyvan Esso

*Don’t Wait – Mapei

*Bang Bang – Nicki Minaj, Jessie J, Ariana Grande (my guilty pleasure)

*Every Other Freckle – alt-J

*Bailando – Enrique Iglesias

*Girls Chase Boys – Ingrid Michaelson

*Left Hand Free – alt-J

*So Have I For You – Nikka Costa

*Hey Mami – Sylvan Esso