Thursday, October 9, 2014

Grounding Down for October Magic and Fun

October, I am thrilled you are here! I relish the crisp air, the whisper of magic, the carved pumpkins, the appearance of leather jackets and boots. I’m planning Hocus Pocus movie nights and a trip to Magee’s Bakery for the famous pumpkin cookies is definitely on the Fall agenda.

I’m ready to embrace the playful, sweetly wicked side of October, but I also recognize that I’ve been feeling ungrounded lately. The Fall season, with its winds of change, can easily stir me into many a thinking frenzy and am lured into scheming about the future, repeating the past (Gatsby, I can relate) and end up disconnected from my body and the present moment.

What helps ground me down? Routine and rituals focus my dancing, Vata mind. I just need the discipline to follow through with them. So, I add a little bit of sparkly fun to encourage my bouncy self to settle down for a moment. 

At the start of the new month, I make a point to sit down with my beloved, personalized Erin Condren  planner (best gift to self EVER) and a prized collection of pretty inked pens and take the time to record appointments, yoga classes, birthdays and events onto the calendar. Instead of feeling stressed or overwhelmed with the to-dos, scheduling the month actually makes me feel better prepared and helps me make intentional plans. If I see that I’m double teaching for a few days in a row, then I know and make sure that I get a day off to take it easy and decompress.

A morning mindfulness and meditation practice also replenishes and calms my go!go! mind. Before I get up and start the day, I take a few moments to simply rest, hearing the sounds around me and noticing how my body is feeling. I rise and find a comfortable seat for meditation. Meditation lets me witness where my thoughts are flying off to – either the future or the past. I compassionately recognize them and then lovingly return to the breath.

Sometimes I fear that when I meditate I’ll just go more thought crazy, but I haven’t found this to be the case. I feel calmer, breathe more deeply and operate more smoothly for the rest of the morning. There’s also no “bad” meditation experience. So even if I were to meditate and just bought into thinking the whole time that would be all right. It’s an experience. I can always begin again with a new cycle of breath.

There are a few rituals special to October that invite me to experience the beauty and magic of one of my favorite months. First of all, I relish the Fall weather. October promises beautiful walks around the Ashland Estate, through pumpkin patches, across sidewalks carpeted with red and yellow leaves. During these walks, I set an intention to receive and marvel at the beauty around me. I feel my feet connecting me to the ground. I take courage from the rooted trees and see my thoughts like leaves, floating in the wind. Walks connect me to my natural, unhurried self.

For Halloween, I’m musing on whether I should be a flapper (for the third year in a row, but the roaring twenties are my favorite era!), or Cher from the 90s classic Clueless. I’ll be celebrating with all the ghosts and ghouls and will be doing so with a calm mind and both feet on the ground. The midnight broom ride can wait until November.