Thursday, January 1, 2015

Intentions for 2015

I greet 2015 with a calm heart. I’m feeling peaceful about the beginning of a New Year. I honor 2014 by being thankful for its lessons and loves because it got me here to this coffee shop moment, where my present self feels centered and at ease, and my intentions for 2014 helped cultivate and ground this peaceful me.

My intentions for 2014 gently guided me to take more mindful breaths, to listen and adhere to the whispers of intuition, and purposefully nurture love for myself. 2014’s intentions manifested into daily practices that brought me ease, peace, and deep, nourishing breaths, and so I continue with intention setting for 2015.

For those new to intention setting, let me explain. I advocate intention setting (over goal setting) to celebrate the dawn of the New Year for several reasons. First, intentions are set in the present tense, affirming the worthiness and abundance already existing within. Intentions establish an internal foundation to help foster a shift in thought, or attitude, and this inner shift manifests through mindful action in the external world.
So, continuing with this, I welcome 2015 by setting intentions to help guide and nurture me as I learn, love and grow into the unfolding New Year.  

*I intend to stay connected with my breath and let the breath be my gentle guide and reminder of my true authentic self.
The past few years I’ve had an intention to breathe mindfully and I’m remaining true to this original intention. Breathing In. Breathing Out. Coming Home to Self.

*I intend to speak my truth.
This is the big one for 2015. Speaking my truth first begins with knowing my truth. Journaling, restorative alone time, and sharing my story with a few cherished friends helps me recognize and claim my truth.

Speaking my truth is a challenge if it means confronting someone. I desire harmony and peace. Conflict unnerves me. So, when conflict typically arises, I navigate with diplomacy and compromise. I practice empathy, see the situation from someone else’s perspective and grant forgiveness. I also seek to recognize what issues I’m projecting on the situation, or the person. And this process goes on quietly, in the comfort of my room, to the soundtrack of alt-J, and maybe I talk to a few people, but it’s an internal and privately held decision and resolution. Most of the time, this smooth course of stepping back, checking in, understanding and forgiving works and I don’t have to directly confront anyone, just myself.

Here’s the problem: this doesn’t work for every conflict. If a person I love repeatedly does something that upsets me, I just end up suppressing and growing resentful, angry, and passive aggressive, which results in a poisoned relationship.

Speaking my truth in the moment could save me a whole lot of emotional pain and spare the other person confusion and hurt. I need to let go of feeling responsible for how the other person will respond and this will take practice. I’m letting this quote be my guide :

"Truth spoken is a gift given. Truth withheld is more than a gift denied, it is an arrow aimed at the heart. It has been said that "the truth hurts," but the exact opposite is true. No truth is too hurtful, and no lie is harmless. Because every truth opens your heart to another, and every lie separates it.
Yet know this: The way you say your truth can be hurtful. So speak your truth, but soothe your words with peace. Right now."

*I intend to soften (even more) toward myself.
“Please be kind to yourself; I care about you.” The note was gently folded and tucked into my purse, a gift from a trusted friend. It was written at the end of 2013, a year that held challenge and struggle. I internalized outside criticism and was harsh towards myself in thoughts, words and even in impulsive action.  

This past year, the most significant change came from within: I softened toward myself. 2014’s intention of nurturing love for myself manifested by using positive affirmations, identifying and softening the voice of the inner critic, and practicing forgiveness toward myself. My  present self feels compassion for 2013 me, fresh out of college and striving to appease others and establish herself in the post-undergraduate world. This nurtured love for self directly impacts how I respond to people, situations and myself when caught in emotional upheavals and moments of crisis. Practicing compassion toward myself gave me the genuine ability to show compassion to others.

Soften resonates with my 2015-self. Soften invites a calmer voice, a letting go of mental holdings and physical tension. Soften invites me to wholeheartedly receive love and effortlessly and joyfully send love to others.

*I intend to not take things so personally.
I’m quick to take criticism and people’s comments/reactions to me very personally. I’m sensitive, a blessing and a challenge. I wish to be peaceful and loving toward all people and have those sentiments reciprocated, but that’s not always the case.

So, when there’s a charged dislike between me and someone, or a hurtful comment is said, I intend to take it as a cue to check-in: notice if I’m projecting and listen to my own personal triggers around the situation. Then, I can go neutral, which means I simply let go of the need to like or dislike someone and simply respect them as a human being who has his/her own story and struggle. And best of all, focus the energy that typically would go to fretting over the situation back to myself. I got Iggy Azalea to help me out with this mantra: “I just can't worry 'bout no haters, gotta stay on my grind.”

*I intend to believe in my own magic.
Somewhere along the way, I became scared of envisioning things for myself. It may be a defense mechanism. If I don’t dream it then I won’t be disappointed when it doesn’t happen. Ouch. A sad truth that I’ve been carrying.
2015 is the year to return back to my magical self. Time to return to believing in myself and trusting in my own ability to manifest dreams into a reality. Oh, this will be fun!

2014, I kiss you adieu! 2015, I’m wholeheartedly present for the adventures, the lessons and the loves you will bring. Let the breath be my guide as I soften, let go and build healthy boundaries, and invite a spark of magic back into my heart and sweet life!