Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Rewrite

Rising into dancer by rooting into the present and directing my gaze forward. Photo by the dazzlingly divine Misty Pittman.


The rewrite begins on the evening of the surrender. I am tangled in a web of overwhelm. Overlapping narratives intensify a rising sadness that breaks into a steady, sweeping wave of tears.

I mourn the loss of idealized mentors. I sob to feel the depth of my dizzying fear questioning my enoughness and capabilities with my current professional position. I cry to voice the missing of my creativity – my writing and inspired play channeled into teaching yoga feels neglected these days. I cry to usher forth the thought patterns binding me to self-sabotage and to playing small, and to expose my issues of self-worth that beckon men who emotionally disrespect me.

I am in the aftermath of an intentional betrayal, a harsh revealing of a person’s carefully concealed nature that shifts my rose-colored view of humanity. I am at a lost to know how to heal from this burn simultaneously scorching affection and breaking me free from a disillusioned reality.

I don’t know how to integrate this experience into my story.  Owning this in its entirety triggers a landslide of other tumbling narratives taking turns to remind me of my patterns and perceived failures.

The pattern exists in idealizing those I adore (and I adore intensely), and impulsively projecting my feelings, sensitivities and emotional expectations on these fellow life travelers.  I am wounded by my own high expectations of how I think others should act. I freely and unquestioningly give so much of my heart. I expect others to reciprocate in affection, empathy, openness and trust. But people do not perceive and move about the world as I do, and I need to know this. I do know this, and the repetition of this lesson stings and ignites a fresh wave of tears.

I sink to my knees. I’m losing trust in others. I’m losing faith in myself.

I surrender. I offer the Universe my burden. I whisper that I cannot do this alone. I relinquish the limiting belief that I have to heal on my own. I release the need to want to know “Why?” and rationalize the current experiences. I accept uncertainty. I soften into not knowing, letting go of the attempts to analyze the actions of others.

The breath embraces me. I merge into the present story by noticing the sight of dusk streaking sunlit clouds across a fading sky. I hear the sharp call of geese flying nearby – a tribe united in caring for one another as they travel toward home.

The despair calls me home to myself. The tears purge the obscured narratives, cleansing my insight, and creating space for fuller, deeper breaths. I am vibrantly present in the out-breath, the pouring out, the complete emptying delivering me to the pause that exists between the breaths. In the pause I reconnect to my power, and I listen. The despair is an urgent messenger announcing the desperate need for change.

The change begins by consciously rewriting my own inner narratives. I begin on my knees. I rewrite the way I experience this pain. I weave compassion to encompass all chapters in this journey of learning, rising, breaking, expanding.

The expansion begins by booking a solo ticket to Austin. Every step I take in my independent travels reshapes my confidence and returns me to my innate courage.

In my Austin adventures, and in the adventures that continue when I arrive home, I place courage as the central character. This shining protagonist liberates me from past narratives by exploring the root reasons of my reactions and limiting beliefs from a place of mindful curiosity and open-heartedness.  

Courage challenges the inner critic, propelling me to recognize (again and again) that I am the awareness behind my thoughts. I have the power to choose what I think. And I don’t have to believe every thought that I think. Courage challenges me to show up authentically in every moment – to be present for whatever happens – and dares me to shine even brighter. Shining brighter, I expand my heart, and the expanding heart heals the wounds, opening me to my innate compassion and to the love from friends and family.  

Courage reminds me to rewrite my love story. I’ve been so distracted by supplying my emotional attention to the boy - and by now my pattern with men is so painfully obvious they can all be grouped into one person - so concerned with caregiving to his story, that I have neglected my own love story.

I want my life to a be a love story. Ryan Gosling by my side or me soaring solo, I’m choosing love. I choose exquisite words of kindness and love to fill the inner chambers of my mind. I rewrite the way I belong to myself by falling in love with how I care for myself. I creatively play with my image: I cut my hair short and delight in its sassy bounciness. I wear clothes that fit my body and get rid of clothes that are too big. I paint my lips red, and trace my eyelids with glittery black eyeliner.

I honor the love in my life by purposefully crafting time with beautiful spirits who speak the language of the heart. Always I am dazzled by their light and their courageous risings. I share with them this story of the rising initiated by the deepest wash of despair.

The evening I learn the truth of surrender echoes in the daily writing of my life: in the decision between fear or courage, in the remembering of breathing out completely to fully receive, and in the intentional reshaping of a journey guided by courage, and gracefully, delivering me to love.