Tuesday, July 12, 2016


In Brooklyn, the sun finds me. I wake bathed in warmth by early morning light. The sun beams at 5am through curtain-less windows in the living room transformed into my cozy guest room. I emerge into the peace of this moment by resting and luxuriating in the embrace of the sun. I listen to the hum of the awakening city stirring with life outside the windows. I relish the softness of the sheets. I watch the sunlight pour into the still living room, rippling out like a golden carpet over the floorboards.

I breathe out, sink into the bottom of the exhalation and feel my body deeply relax.

I bask in the brilliant morning light, and practice gratitude for the arrival of a heat that is the medicine I seek. This radiance is a dazzling tonic to an emotionally whiplashed heart and racing mind.

The sun-soaked mornings affirm the intuitive pulling to go to New York City. I go to the city to get quiet, to become clear and heal. I travel to the warm welcome of a friend who validates my journey by listening and asking me the questions that propel me forward.

My friend and I walk Brooklyn. We explore bookstores, coffee shops, parks and art institutes. The rhythm of the city is a remedy, and I fall into a steady walking pace, pushing through confusing memories and breaking open into the intensity and energy of New York City.

At a vintage store in Brooklyn, I buy a pair of heels. I decide to slip them on and walk a few blocks, daring to claim a part of myself restless to bloom into confidence, sensuality and wild authenticity.

I catch glimpses of her in windows of restaurants and in the gold-framed mirrors in antique stores. My friend captures her in a quick photo before getting a chocolate dipped ice cream. She intrigues me, this woman I am burning to unflinchingly be, and I return to the photo to remember she is already within me.

She emerges as I diligently choose love and practice forgiveness. This is a disciplined decision made daily that paves a rocky path through the aftermath of a realized truth. Forgiveness is my only way out.

The other options are losing myself into consuming drama, falling into the spiral of repeating thoughts, and letting the perceived betrayal scorch my lighthearted way of being.

I travel these dark roads – some days are the darkest and hardest ones I’ve ever breathed through -- and am stunned into this realization: This is how hurt constricts and closes the heart.

The threat of a closed heart sparks travels to New York. A change of scenery to air out the heart. A trip to bring me home to myself.

The first morning in Brooklyn, I witness the sunrise. There is the dawning of a forgotten feeling: a shimmering excitement for life, a flickering and rising blaze of hope. 

Waking in sunshine, I meditate in the rays, and the joy of the moment almost falls prey to the running thoughts replaying past hurts, projecting fear and anxiety into the future.

The choice is to ruminate in the perceived unfairness of the past, or to be freed from its dizzying clutches so I can continue on and fully experience my life.


I forgive to save my life. Forgiveness steps me into the burn. I feel the feelings. I release the narrative around the feelings. I expand into freedom through forgiveness.

Expansion breaks me open to love. Love is my spirit word for my 26th year – a word guide to gently keep me aligned to my evolving, my becoming, my rising. I’m rising out of past insecurities around worthiness; I’m evolving beyond the dictation by fear, and rising by actively engaging in life lessons from a place of love.

I choose love when I walk the streets in those vintage shoes, and I remember the ache of new shoes on tired feet and the laughter that rinses me clean as my friend narrates stories and makes quick-witted jokes.

Ever upward, I think of New York’s motto as my friend and I stroll under the blazing sun. The heat is like forgiveness. The past burned off and transformed into shimmery insights, prompting me to move onward in love.

Summer Loving, Summer Sweating Playlist:

*I Need A Forest Fire – James Blake, Bon Iver

*Alaska – Maggie Rogers

*Kings of Summer – ayokay, Quinn XCII

*Follow the Sun – Xavier Rudd

*Livewire – Oh Wonder

*Something About You - ODESZA Remix - Hayden James

*Only Love – Ben Howard

*Drive – Oh Wonder

*Wolves Are Waiting – Dustin Tebbutt

*Hamilton - Y’all, this Broadway musical lights me up, channels ambition and energy for “rising up and claiming my shot.” A few of my favorites include these historic characters and moments narrated in hip-hop beats: “Wait For It,” “The Battle of Yorktown,” “Satisfied” & “Burn.”