Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Today I Rest

Today I rest.
I let myself be part of that brilliant sky and give myself to sunshine.
I simply be.  
I grant myself full permission to revel in this moment, to be freed from internal pressure to do and prove and go.
I relax into my bones. I release tension from my muscles. I soften my cheeks.
I sink deeper into my belly and feel the heaviness of my legs, growing long and earthbound.
I linger, wonder and then come back home to the breath.
I still see the vague outline of the to-do list. 
Yes, there are yoga classes to plan, people to email, friends to text, a story in need of editing, a trip to prepare for, a transition to weather.
I relax into the knowing that I'll get the to-dos done with grace and all in good timing.
I trust myself.
This trusting leads me back to this crystal blue sky day and a sweet spaciousness expanding with each remembered conscious breath.
Today I rest.
I simply be. 
This being is enough for me.